Nazara Engine  0.4
A fast, complete, cross-platform API designed for game development
Nz::Ray< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Nz::Ray< T >, including all inherited members.

AxisX()Nz::Ray< T >static
AxisY()Nz::Ray< T >static
AxisZ()Nz::Ray< T >static
ClosestPoint(const Vector3< T > &point) constNz::Ray< T >
direction (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
GetPoint(T lambda) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const BoundingVolume< T > &volume, T *closestHit=nullptr, T *furthestHit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const Box< T > &box, T *closestHit=nullptr, T *furthestHit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const Box< T > &box, const Matrix4< T > &transform, T *closestHit=nullptr, T *furthestHit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const OrientedBox< T > &orientedBox, T *closestHit=nullptr, T *furthestHit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const Plane< T > &plane, T *hit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const Sphere< T > &sphere, T *closestHit=nullptr, T *furthestHit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Intersect(const Vector3< T > &firstPoint, const Vector3< T > &secondPoint, const Vector3< T > &thirdPoint, T *hit=nullptr) constNz::Ray< T >
Lerp(const Ray &from, const Ray &to, T interpolation)Nz::Ray< T >static
MakeAxisX()Nz::Ray< T >
MakeAxisY()Nz::Ray< T >
MakeAxisZ()Nz::Ray< T >
operator!=(const Ray &ray) constNz::Ray< T >
operator*(T lambda) constNz::Ray< T >
operator=(const Ray &other)=default (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
operator==(const Ray &ray) constNz::Ray< T >
origin (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
Ray()=default (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
Ray(T X, T Y, T Z, T directionX, T directionY, T directionZ)Nz::Ray< T >
Ray(const Vector3< T > &origin, const Vector3< T > &direction)Nz::Ray< T >
Ray(const T origin[3], const T direction[3])Nz::Ray< T >
Ray(const Plane< T > &planeOne, const Plane< T > &planeTwo)Nz::Ray< T >
Ray(const Ray< U > &ray)Nz::Ray< T >explicit
Ray(const Vector3< U > &origin, const Vector3< U > &direction)Nz::Ray< T >explicit
Ray(const Ray< T > &ray)=default (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(T X, T Y, T Z, T directionX, T directionY, T directionZ)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Vector3< T > &origin, const Vector3< T > &direction)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const T origin[3], const T direction[3])Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Plane< T > &planeOne, const Plane< T > &planeTwo)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Ray &ray)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Ray< U > &ray) (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Vector3< U > &origin, const Vector3< U > &direction) (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Ray< U > &ray)Nz::Ray< T >
Set(const Vector3< U > &Origin, const Vector3< U > &Direction)Nz::Ray< T >
ToString() constNz::Ray< T >
~Ray()=default (defined in Nz::Ray< T >)Nz::Ray< T >