Nazara Engine  0.4
A fast, complete, cross-platform API designed for game development
(NazaraCore) Core module


class  Nz::Bitset< Block, Allocator >
 Core class that represents a set of bits. More...
class  Nz::CallOnExit
 Core class that represents a function to call at the end of the scope. More...
class  Nz::Color
 Core class that represents a color. More...
class  Nz::Flags< E >
 Core class used to combine enumeration values into flags bitfield. More...
class  Nz::FunctorWithoutArgs< F >
 Core class that represents a functor using a function without argument. More...
class  Nz::FunctorWithArgs< F, Args >
 Core class that represents a functor using a function with arguments. More...
class  Nz::MemberWithoutArgs< C >
 Core class that represents a functor using a member function. More...
class  Nz::Initializer< Args >
 Core class that represents a module initializer. More...
class  Nz::LockGuard
 Core class that represents a mutex wrapper that provides a convenient RAII-style mechanism. More...
class  Nz::StackArray< T >
 Core class that represents a stack-allocated (if alloca is present) array. More...
class  Nz::MemoryPool
 Core class that represents a memory pool. More...
class  Nz::MemoryStream
 Constructs a MemoryStream object by default. More...
class  Nz::MovablePtr< T >
 Wraps a raw (non-proprietary) to allows it to be moved implicitly. More...
class  Nz::Mutex
 Core class that represents a binary semaphore, a mutex. More...
class  Nz::ObjectHandle< T >
 Core class that represents a object handle. More...
class  Nz::ObjectRef< T >
 Core class that represents a reference to an object. More...
class  Nz::PrimitiveList
 TODO: Inline this. More...
class  Nz::ResourceLoader< Type, Parameters >
 Core class that represents a loader of resources. More...
class  Nz::ResourceManager< Type, Parameters >
 Core class that represents a resource manager. More...
class  Nz::ResourceSaver< Type, Parameters >
 Core class that represents a list of saver functions for a specific resource type. More...
class  Nz::Signal< Args >
 Core class that represents a signal, a list of objects waiting for its message. More...
class  Nz::SparsePtr< T >
 Core class that represents a pointer and the step between two elements. More...
class  Nz::TaskScheduler
 Core class that represents a thread pool. More...
class  Nz::Thread
 Core class that represents a thread. More...
class  Nz::AbstractHash
 Core class that represents the behaviour of the hash classes. More...
class  Nz::AbstractLogger
 Core class that represents the behaviour of the log classes. More...
class  Nz::ByteArray
 Core class that represents an array of bytes. More...
class  Nz::ByteStream
 Core class that represents a stream of bytes. More...
class  Nz::Clock
 Utility class that measure the elapsed time. More...
class  Nz::ConditionVariable
 Core class that represents a condition variable. More...
class  Nz::Core
 Core class that represents the module initializer of Core. More...
class  Nz::Directory
 Core class that represents a directory. More...
class  Nz::DynLib
 Core class that represents a dynamic library loader. More...
class  Nz::Error
 Core class that represents an error. More...
class  Nz::ErrorFlags
 Core class that represents flags for error. More...
class  Nz::File
 Core class that represents a file. More...
class  Nz::FileLogger
 Core class that represents a file logger. More...
class  Nz::GuillotineBinPack
 Core class that represents the "Guillotine problem", combination of the "Bin packing problem" and the "cutting stock". More...
class  Nz::HardwareInfo
 Core class that represents the info we can get from hardware. More...
class  Nz::Log
 Core class that represents a logger. More...
class  Nz::MemoryManager
 Core class that represents a manager for the memory. More...
class  Nz::MemoryView
 Core class that represents a view of the memory behaving like a stream. More...
class  Nz::ParameterList
 Core class that represents a list of parameters. More...
class  Nz::PluginManager
 Core class that represents a manager for plugin. More...
class  Nz::RefCounted
 Core class that represents a reference with a counter. More...
class  Nz::Resource
 Core class that represents a resource. More...
class  Nz::Semaphore
 Core class that represents a counting semaphore. More...
class  Nz::SerializationContext
 Structure containing a serialization/unserialization context states. More...
class  Nz::StdLogger
 Core class that represents a logger writing to standard output (stdout, stderr) More...
class  Nz::Stream
 Core class that represents a stream. More...
class  Nz::String
 Core class that represents a string. More...
class  Nz::StringStream
 Core class that represents a stream of strings. More...
class  Nz::Unicode
 Core class that represents a Unicode character. More...


template<typename F , typename Tuple >
decltype(auto) Nz::Apply (F &&fn, Tuple &&t)
 Applies the tuple to the function (e.g. calls the function using the tuple content as arguments) More...
template<typename O , typename F , typename Tuple >
decltype(auto) Nz::Apply (O &object, F &&fn, Tuple &&t)
 Applies the tuple to the member function on an object (e.g. calls the member function using the tuple content as arguments) More...
template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t Nz::BitCount ()
 Returns the number of bits occupied by the type T. More...
template<typename T >
ByteArray Nz::ComputeHash (HashType hash, const T &v)
 Computes the hash of a hashable object. More...
template<typename T >
ByteArray Nz::ComputeHash (AbstractHash *hash, const T &v)
 Computes the hash of a hashable object. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr std::size_t Nz::CountOf (T(&)[N]) noexcept
 Returns the number of elements in a C-array. More...
template<typename T >
std::size_t Nz::CountOf (const T &c)
 Returns the number of elements in a container. More...
template<typename T >
void Nz::HashCombine (std::size_t &seed, const T &v)
 Combines two hash in one. More...
template<typename T >
Nz::ReverseBits (T integer)
 Reverse the bit order of the integer. More...
bool Nz::Serialize (SerializationContext &context, bool value)
 Serializes a boolean. More...
bool Nz::Serialize (SerializationContext &context, const std::string &value)
 Serializes a std::string. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > Nz::Serialize (SerializationContext &context, T value)
 Serializes an arithmetic type. More...
bool Nz::Unserialize (SerializationContext &context, bool *value)
 Unserializes a boolean. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > Nz::Unserialize (SerializationContext &context, T *value)
 Unserializes an arithmetic type. More...
constexpr Endianness Nz::GetPlatformEndianness ()
 Gets the platform endianness. More...
void Nz::SwapBytes (void *buffer, std::size_t size)
 Swaps the byte for endianness operations. More...
 Nz::Stream::Stream (StreamOptionFlags streamOptions=StreamOption_None, OpenModeFlags openMode=OpenMode_NotOpen)
 Constructs a Stream object with options. More...

Detailed Description

Core/System module including classes to handle threading, time, hardware info, memory management, etc...

Function Documentation

◆ Apply() [1/2]

template<typename F , typename Tuple >
decltype(auto) Nz::Apply ( F &&  fn,
Tuple &&  t 

Applies the tuple to the function (e.g. calls the function using the tuple content as arguments)

The result of the function
tTuple of arguments for the function
See also

◆ Apply() [2/2]

template<typename O , typename F , typename Tuple >
decltype(auto) Nz::Apply ( O &  object,
F &&  fn,
Tuple &&  t 

Applies the tuple to the member function on an object (e.g. calls the member function using the tuple content as arguments)

The result of the member function called
objectObject of a class
fnMember function
tTuple of arguments for the member function
See also

◆ BitCount()

template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t Nz::BitCount ( )

Returns the number of bits occupied by the type T.

Number of bits occupied by the type

◆ ComputeHash() [1/2]

template<typename T >
ByteArray Nz::ComputeHash ( HashType  hash,
const T &  v 

Computes the hash of a hashable object.

A bytearray which represents the hash
hashEnumeration of type HashType
vObject to hash
a HashAppend specialization for type T is required
See also

◆ ComputeHash() [2/2]

template<typename T >
ByteArray Nz::ComputeHash ( AbstractHash hash,
const T &  v 

Computes the hash of a hashable object.

A bytearray which represents the hash
hashPointer to abstract hash
vObject to hash
Produce a NazaraAssert if pointer to Abstracthash is invalid
a HashAppend specialization for type T is required
See also

◆ CountOf() [1/2]

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr std::size_t Nz::CountOf ( T(&)  [N])

Returns the number of elements in a C-array.

The number of elements
See also

◆ CountOf() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::size_t Nz::CountOf ( const T &  c)

Returns the number of elements in a container.

The number of elements
cContainer with the member function "size()"
See also

◆ GetPlatformEndianness()

constexpr Endianness Nz::GetPlatformEndianness ( )

Gets the platform endianness.

Type of the endianness

◆ HashCombine()

template<typename T >
void Nz::HashCombine ( std::size_t &  seed,
const T &  v 

Combines two hash in one.

seedFirst value that will be modified (expected to be 64bits)
vSecond value to hash

◆ ReverseBits()

template<typename T >
T Nz::ReverseBits ( integer)

Reverse the bit order of the integer.

integer with reversed bits
integerInteger whose bits are to be reversed

◆ Serialize() [1/3]

bool Nz::Serialize ( SerializationContext context,
bool  value 

Serializes a boolean.

true if serialization succeeded
contextContext for the serialization
valueBoolean to serialize
See also
Serialize, Unserialize

◆ Serialize() [2/3]

bool Nz::Serialize ( SerializationContext context,
const std::string &  value 

Serializes a std::string.

true if successful
contextContext for the serialization
valueString to serialize

◆ Serialize() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > Nz::Serialize ( SerializationContext context,

Serializes an arithmetic type.

true if serialization succeeded
contextContext for the serialization
valueArithmetic type to serialize
See also
Serialize, Unserialize

◆ Stream()

Nz::Stream::Stream ( StreamOptionFlags  streamOptions = StreamOption_None,
OpenModeFlags  openMode = OpenMode_NotOpen 

Constructs a Stream object with options.

streamOptionsOptions for the stream
openModeReading/writing mode for the stream

◆ SwapBytes()

void Nz::SwapBytes ( void *  buffer,
std::size_t  size 

Swaps the byte for endianness operations.

bufferRaw memory
sizeSize to change endianness
If size is greater than the preallocated buffer, the behavior is undefined

◆ Unserialize() [1/2]

bool Nz::Unserialize ( SerializationContext context,
bool *  value 

Unserializes a boolean.

true if unserialization succedeed
contextContext for the unserialization
valuePointer to boolean to unserialize
See also
Serialize, Unserialize

◆ Unserialize() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, bool > Nz::Unserialize ( SerializationContext context,
T *  value 

Unserializes an arithmetic type.

true if unserialization succedeed
contextContext for the unserialization
valuePointer to arithmetic type to serialize
Produce a NazaraAssert if pointer to value is invalid
See also
Serialize, Unserialize